
The Story of Pumana

In quiet times of retrospect, the story of Pumana recalls a path shared by many who dream of leaving comfortable and quiet spaces to take an impromptu journey seeking life's passions. The odyssey often takes many unexpected turns.

And so it began more than many years ago. It was a strange time in the world in the sense of where it would all lead. Suspended in time, the air was full of conflict and the universe seemed in desperate need of Aloha. With the rhythm of the iPu and feeling blessed by Mana, Matthew and Ray found a chemistry as they were bound by a deep appreciation for Hawaiian tradition and contemporary culture, but especially by a passion for the groove.

In the 1990's, they were in flavor as members of the band known as "Pohaku." The Hawaiian word "pohaku" means "rock" and refers to  the band's nexus between a music genre and an island tradition. They evolved as trop-hop in da house, but during the second sabbatical others took their name, their arrangements, their jokes, and their compassion. They fell into limbo. They separated and lost touch as they remained friends, but were set adrift absent of bliss. Fast forward as the days slowly passed.

In time, an island spirit arose from the mist which became a force that no one could envision. Community caused them to reunite in a picnic celebration that they had seen before with memories held fondly. On this new direction they were much in favor as they had become disenchanted by past distractions that had left them lost.

They borrowed a myriad of talented musicians to help satisfy their need to groove and began to perform under the name "Pumana." They now stand together in a place where the energy from the mountain and the ocean converge in just the proper balance for this moment in time transcending any tumult of the decades past.

It is Summer 2017 and the energy is back in balance. What lies ahead is tranquil calm born from the release of the struggles of life and uninvited tensions. Pumana presents a compilation of music of positive energy and organic serenity and never ending party.

What does the word “Pumana” mean? In the Hawaiian dictionary, "Pu" is defined as a musical instrument such as a conch shell or a wind instrument. "Mana" is defined as a supernatural or divine power. The name “Pumana” is respectfully derived from the spiritual combination of these two Hawaiian words to mean “a musical instrument from heaven creating music that spreads the sharing of Aloha throughout the world.”

This  is the story of the evolution of the name, the spirit and the music of Pumana. Thank you for being part of the journey.